Category: Useful

Microscope Coarse Adjustment Knob

Coarse Adjustment Knob

If you’re relatively new to microscopes, you’ve probably heard the term coarse adjustment knob, sometimes referred to as the stage adjustment knob, and you might be wondering what exactly it is and what’s its function.

When you view an object, you position it on the stage of your microscope. The coarse adjustment knob quickly lowers and raises the stage or the lens, depending on the microscope’s design. 


How To Clean a Microscope

How To Clean A Microscope

A Microscope is an expensive piece of equipment, so you must understand how to clean a microscope correctly, so there’s no damage to the sophisticated optics. You also need to maintain its pristine condition.

The optical elements of microscopes require regular cleaning if you want to obtain high-quality images and make microscopy worthwhile. Over time neglecting a microscope’s maintenance will allow dirt, lint, dust, etc., to harm the optics.

Most owners are unsure of how to clean a microscope and how to get the best results without risk to the microscope; this article will discuss the best way to clean microscopes and answer the essential question what do you clean microscope lenses with?


Cheshire Eyepiece VS Laser Collimator

Cheshire Eyepiece VS Laser Collimator – Which One Should You Choose?

Owning a Newtonian reflector telescope means collimation, and you may be wondering if you should use a Cheshire Eyepiece or Laser Collimator.

In fact, you can use both or choose to use only one. For the secondary mirror, you would select the Cheshire eyepiece; however, for the primary mirror’s alignment, a Laser collimator is a better tool for the job. Or if you prefer to buy only one of them, you can collimate your mirrors with either device. It really is down to your personal choice and which you like.


Condenser On A Microscope

What Is The Function Of The Condenser On A Microscope?

The condenser is an integral part of a microscope, but what is the function of the condenser on a microscope? A compound microscope condenser is an optical lens that helps focus light through what you’re viewing and onto the objective lens.


How to Clean a Telescope Mirror

How To Clean A Telescope Mirror

If you want to know how to clean a telescope mirror, then you probably have some concern there’s an accumulation of dirt or dust on your mirror. If you do have some dirt or dust on the mirror and cannot view celestial objects as clearly as you once were, it feels very frustrating. 


to telescope

What is a Catadioptric Telescope?

Telescopes are essential devices for any aspiring astronomy enthusiasts. Just to mention, telescopes make it easy to see far objects. Due to their varied use, telescopes come in varying designs, each best for a specific function. Broadly, telescopes can be classified as professional, amateur or commercial types. However, they can also be grouped based on optical design or mechanical design. The other minor classification is based on where they are placed, for instance, space telescopes.

That said, catadioptric telescopes fall into the group of optical telescopes. Also called compound telescopes, they are hybrid scopes which combine lenses and shaped mirrors to form an image of the object. These telescopes combine the best features of reflectors and refractors in one package.

Due to this, they have a greater degree of error correction compared to other lens or mirror counterparts. They also have a wider field of view for an excellent view. (more…)

boy with telescope

How to Choose Your First Telescope

Telescopes are a lot of fun. However, with the many options, brands, models and alternatives available, finding the perfect one can be tricky. Being the first time, you could be lost trying to understand which telescope to buy or what the various telescope terms mean.

Besides, there are several factors to consider in addition to the bewildering options to choose from. All this certainly culminates in unexplained anxiety with no idea of the best telescope.

To begin, there has to be a reason that primes one to look for a telescope. The reason ought to be met at the end of telescope search. Just to mention, scopes come in different and varying optical flavors, compound instruments, reflectors, and refractors.

Note that each design has its strengths and weaknesses as well. Besides, each is well-suited to work best in specific conditions. Therefore, ensure that your search guides you to find the appropriate design. (more…)


How to Clean Scope Lenses

Having bought a telescope, ensuring that it works best and lasts long necessitates proper maintenance. One of the primary maintenance components of any telescope is cleaning. Not only does it facilitate a longer usage period but also enables you to get the most out of your view.

Cleaning of scope lenses is quite an easy and essential procedure. However, without proper caution, damage to the lenses and compounding mirrors can occur. Just to mention, cleaning is required when contamination of the lenses is evident.

That said cleaning should not be done on a regular basis. Therefore, to reduce the cleaning intervals, here are some of the tips to keep them clean: (more…)

telescope on mountain

Reflector vs. Refractor Telescopes – What is the Difference?

If you’re new to telescopes and you’re on the market for your first one, you have a lot of big decisions to make. One of the biggest decisions is whether to get a reflector or a refractor telescope.


telescope and young kid

How to Use a Telescope – Quick Guide for Beginners

Using a telescope is easy if you’re well prepared. If you want to learn how to use a telescope, all it takes is some understanding about the necessary accessories and optimizing your experience gazing at the stars.

Anyone can use a telescope – even a child. If you or your child want to get a close up look at the moon, you can have everything ready to go in less than half an hour.
