About Me

My name is John, and I really love scopes. There are so many things in the world that are beautiful at a distance, but you can’t beat the view you get when you can bring them a little bit closer.

Since you can’t pull the moon out of the sky, a telescope can help you count all of its craters. You can’t approach a bird building a nest, but you can watch its twig weaving technique from afar with a spotting scope. You can’t watch the cells in your body multiply, but you can observe them underneath a microscope.

One of the best things in life is seeing how everything works. Scopes allow you observe these small details that would otherwise be impossible to experience.

I started likehubble.com to share my love of scopes with others. Scopes allow you to look at the world differently, gaining a new perspective on all of the things you might take for granted.

I want to help people find the perfect scopes to see the magic of the world. Whether they’re spotting scopes, telescopes, or microscopes, they’ll open a world of new possibilities and allow you to gain a finer knowledge of the inner workings of the universe.